JP St. Pierre Award

JP St. Pierre Award 2024, 10th edition

Nomination Process

To nominate a resident for the Prescott and Russell JP St. Pierre Award, a nomination form must be submitted electronically by 4 p.m. on October 25, 2024. 

Nomination Guide

Prescott and Russell JP St. Pierre Award Nomination Guide

For More Information

Please send us an email at [email protected].


The Prescott and Russell JP St. Pierre Award is bestowed upon deserving residents of the United Counties of Prescott and Russell (UCPR). This year is the 10th edition of this award.

This high municipal distinction aims to celebrate the exceptional contributions of individuals in many areas of life within the UCPR, such as arts and culture, business and professions, charitable work, health, education, public service, media and communications, sports and recreation, agriculture, the environment, or other areas contributing to the well-being of the UCPR's residents.

A maximum of 2 awards will be presented on an annual basis, during the UCPR Warden's Banquet.


The Prescott and Russell JP St. Pierre Award was created in 2015 in memory of Mayor St. Pierre.

Mr. Jean-Paul St. Pierre served as Mayor of the Township of Russell, from 2010 to 2014, before passing away suddenly. A resident of the village of Russell for more than 40 years, he had also previously held the positions of Municipal Councilor and of Trustee for the Police Village of Russell.

In 2014, Mr. St. Pierre served as Warden of the UCPR, as well as Chair of the Eastern Ontario Wardens' Caucus (EOWC), in addition to his role as the Mayor of Russell.

Mr. St. Pierre was a man loved by all. He was inclusive, attentive, and full of energy. Through his actions and his presence, he has touched the hearts and lives of the residents of Prescott and Russell.